Privacy Policy

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files, saved by server on your computer. They allow us to recognise your device and display website accordingly to your preference. Cookies usually contain website name, device storage time and unique number.

2. Which type of cookies do we use?

“Session” cookies – temporary files which stay in your device unless you log out or shut down the internet browser. “Permanent” cookies – files stay in your device for time defined by their parameter or to the moment of their manual deletion.

3. What do we use cookies for?

Cookies are used for many purposes: statistical, marketing and in order to adapt website contents to user preferences. Cookies store geolocation data, guest language, referrer data, user preferences, automatic login data and random session identification number. Acquired data allows you to understand how does the user use your website which allows to make its structure and content better. Gathered data help us creating statistics regarding new and existing users, also we can analyse subpages they visit. Thanks to this info we constantly make navigation and quality of our services better.

4. Removing and turning cookies off

Anytime you can change browser settings to not accept cookies or notify about its usage. Remember, that not accepting cookies can make and difficult to use. By default web browser allow for cookies usage. Browser settings can be altered to block automatic cookies handling or notify about this files storage on users device.